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Agence de communication - Eliott & Markus
Private equity is one of the firm's leading practices and the team dedicated to this area is particularly well-recognized for its expertise.
We assist fund management companies in their investments in all business sectors involving venture capital (particularly in the new technology and biotechnology sectors), growth capital (minority and majority investment), in the context of mezzanine financing transactions, including convertible bonds, or in leveraged transactions such as LBOs, MBOs, MBIs or OBOs, and prepare all contractual documentation (investment agreements, shareholders' agreements, warranties, profit-sharing agreements, etc.). We are also regularly appointed by companies, from their setting up and throughout their development (the early creation phase in limited circles with founders and seed investors, and in all other phases of their development) to help them structure new projects and negotiate investment terms and conditions.
We also advise the management teams on negotiating and putting in place management packages.
Working closely with the lawyers in the firm's other practice areas, we provide clients with comprehensive and pragmatic advice that is tailored to their needs, aiming at ensuring that the legal and tax structuring creates optimal value for them.